Wednesday, April 7, 2010

damsel in distress

today was crappy...
there is this guy i like alot at school (lets call him Joe:) and i dont know if he likes me back. Plus to make the situation even better my best friend likes him too. (lets call my firend Tacoma:) AND the guy i like is my best friend as well... yeah you see my dilema now?? i dont want to go out with him or tell him how i feel becuase it could screw up our friendship, but its a pain in the ass to forget about him beacause he's everywhere... we have most of our classes togther, he sitss at my lunch table, GOD! he even seems to pop up where ever im at!!
one of my friends says i should just go for it and hope for the best of it (this friend shall be known as Jane) because she thinks that he may like me back becuase of hte way he acts around me but i dont see it...
so im not sure what to do!!!!

~now for the story!! *gasp*~

so today i was at school (shoker) adn Joe:) saved me a seat in World History (like always) and we has a free day for makeup work. we were sitting and talking having a great time, when Guy (another code name:) was being an ASS. (guy knows that like i like Joe *glare*) and starts joining in on our conversation. It was fine at first because we were talking about a Klaymation video (probly spelt wrong) thet was apperantly REALLY funny having something to do with a swimming pool and bad phone reception.
then Mr. Starkey siad since everyone was being good he would turn on the raido. so Guy starts singing along to Bad Romance and changing the lyrics, at first it was hillarious, then he started singing about me and being horribly flat chested (sadly its true *tear*) and shit like that. Then he started singing about me watning to F*** Joe. i got really pissed at him because Joe herd him and i didnt know what he was going to say.
Joe turned BRIGHT red and turned around in his chair and said something that sound like "oh crap...rly nw?" do yeah... WOUNDEUL.. and joe hasnt spoken to me since :(

1 comment:

  1. Jebus that guy sound like a douche. He could just be embarrased at what you were thinking cause he thought it was true?
    I say make subtle hints and wait for him to make a move, that way your bf cant screw at you. Though this sounds alot easier on paper (metaphorically)
